
A Cryin’ Shame

Last weekend Little Betty and I had the great pleasure of meeting up with the fabulous Retro Ruth from No Pattern Required and her husband Tom.  We decided to hit up an antique festival in the town where they live and it was so fun!  We all found really great stuff.  For example, what do you think was the first thing Little Betty spotted as we entered?

That’s right friends.  ANOTHER blow mold.  This makes her 3d Santa.  At some point I guess I should start refusing, but do I refuse myself bakelite, or Enid Collins purses, or vintage embroidery pieces?  No sir.  Especially when said embroidery is such as this:

I adore it.  Like, a lot.  Look at the detail!  The shading on the Chief’s face!  The wood grain fabric!  GAH!  I love it.  Did I already mention that?

Anyhoo…all was not fun and games, even though Ruth and Tom scored the most amazing panther TV lamp for a steal, and I came away with 2 pieces of bakelite and squirrel salt and pepper shakers in addition to the Chief.  We had the great misfortune of witnessing this:

Yes, my dear friends, that is a Witco Map of the World that has been PAINTED.  Ruth and I stood below it for a good 5 minutes perusing the shelves below before I looked up and noticed it.  WHY??!!  Who would do this??  What kind of map of the world is orange and yellow??  And most importantly, WHY??!!  Oh it was so so sad.  If it had been cheap I would have been tempted to take it home and try to repaint it but it was $500.  *sob*



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