I love mail! Feel free to contact me to share ideas and finds, ask for sources or advice, or to just connect!
I love mail! Feel free to contact me to share ideas and finds, ask for sources or advice, or to just connect!
© 2025 Betty Crafter
12 years agoHello Betty, I’am Lesly and i love you playhouse bed ! i’m looking for one for my little princes and i find the 2 plans… you talk about NOT start browsing the kids’ bed ideas on this site. Especially loft beds. I just asking you, why? the plans is not safe for bed? I just want to know …. thank you ! have a great day !
12 years agoOh Lesly, I was just kidding! I meant that if you start browsing those beds you will surely fall in love and have to have one! 🙂
12 years agoHello Betty
Am planning a US trip next year and would love to come to your real-world shop if possible. Where in the US are you?
12 years agoHey Kate! I’m in Austin Texas, and my store is named Hog Wild Vintage. Let me know if you make it this way! Would love to catch up 🙂
Beverly Reese
12 years agoHi,
I love your blog–you are a FUN person. You are so up beat.
I have 3 very old Bucilla needlework unopened kits. I can’t find any info on them to know how to price them. They only have the Bucilla kit number on them; but, that didn’t help any. Do you know how I can get info on these kits.
Thanks so much,
Beverly Reese
12 years agoHi Beverly! I’d be happy to help you if I can – can you send me pictures of them to betty@bettycrafter.com?
Karin Jeffrey
12 years agoHello Betty,
Love your site, and the Heywood Wakefield is to die for. We don’t come across HeyWake much in Toronto, Canada. Mid-Century here runs to Danish modern, at least that’s what my parents and their friends bought from the most popular dept store then, the now defunct Eaton’s. Anyway, I was wondering if your amazing blue sectional couch is a vintage reupholster or new? I adore the mod crewel pillows, but you need more of them! (Kidding). Found you on on Retro Reno (Heck yeah!), and I will definitely be watching out for finds in your Etsy store.
12 years agoHey Karin!
The couch is new actually, from Thrive Furniture. They are online only so we weren’t able to sit on it or anything first, but we’re so happy with it! They have really great mid-century inspired pieces.
I love Toronto! And you’re right – I definitely notice lots of Danish Modern in the shops there. Not a bad thing at all 🙂
Patty Keough
12 years agohttp://www.bettycrafter.com/little-bettys-not-the-only-one-who-got-a-new-bed/
Where did you get the bed!!!
I have the whole Rio set but I didn’t really like the plain head/footboard. LOVE yours!!
AND had a great time with a blast-from-the-past moment when seeing your swiss chalet jewelry box. I had one as a kid and completely forgot about it.
Your room/taste is super fab.
12 years agoThanks Patty! The bed is brand new from Heywood Wakefield actually. Heywood Wakefield is still around and making furniture and the great thing is that you can get a beautiful Heywake bed in a queen or king size, which is almost nonexistent in vintage. Mine is a king. We love it.
Penny Kellogg
12 years agoJust received my copy of crafts 1.2.3. Reindeer Romp on page 57 says to cut out patterns. What patterns? I love the craft,but for the life of me, I can’t find any patterns. Please enlighten me.
12 years agoHi Penny- for some unknown reason they didn’t include my templates for the patterns! I have no idea why they did that b/c it’s not possible to complete the craft without them. I’ll email them to you.
Liz Garland
12 years agoHi! I just bought my first Enid Collins purse today (Jewel Bokay for $4.99 at Goodwill!) and wanted to tell you. Plus I love your blog. My daughter and I really enjoy the pictures of your beautiful house and lovely family. We love the b-day party pictures!
12 years agoLiz, thank you so much for your kind comment! Hope to see you back often 🙂
Liz Garland
12 years agoHi Betty, Hope this isn’t as freaky sounding as I think it probably is, but I have a presents to mail to you and Mr. Crafter, plus I want to moonlight as a picker and write a business proposal to start a vintage ephemera fulfillment service. Can I mail these little somethings to your store (its not a a scary stalker present, its a vintage craft, one for each of you! that I KNOW you will enjoy.) Can I mail it to you at your store? 🙂 Liz
12 years agoHi Liz! How sweet you are! I’ll email you the store address 🙂
Stacy in Alabama
12 years agoI have been looking for paint by numbers for my kids, but I want them in the classic style. Scenes my mother painted as a kid. Am I wasting my time?
12 years agoWhat do you mean by the classic style? Paint by numbers are not necessarily difficult to find.
Gemma del Rio
12 years agoHi Betty,
I thought you might be interested in knowing that I am Gemma Taccogna’s daughter, it is a pleasure to see my mother’s work on your site. She was a
truly remarkable artist and she has left such a wonderful legacy.
It’s heart warming to see when her work is cherished.
Feel free to reach me anytime,
Gemma del Rio
P.S I am an artist as well, you can find samples of my handpainted scarves on Facebook, under Gemma del Rio Scarves
Tresa Bozell
12 years agoHi!
I am so glad I found you! Your home is darling. GAH! I love what Mr. Crafter did with the yard. What you have done with your home is what I dream of doing to mine but probably never will because I’m mid century in age and I’m not all that creative.
As for James Dean…my (late) dad was his high school friend and served as a pall bearer at his funeral. Many of the James Dean fans who have visited Dean’s hometown of Fairmount, Indiana established a friendship with my dad. Here is a link to an article that was published in our local newspaper after dad’s death. Dad was loved by the Dean fans and he generously devoted his time to keep memories of Jimmy alive.
11 years agoTresa, I showed Mr. Crafter your comment, and he knew of your dad right away! He met him in Fairmont.
Cindy Garibay
12 years agoI’m interested in the playhouse loft bed, is it for purchase please contact me with price. It is to Cute!!!
11 years agoThanks for your interest Cindy! Unfortunately it’s not for sale.
11 years agoHi! I was wondering if you had a pattern available for the Try a Little Kindness Crewel??
11 years agoHi Polly! I have plans to make a variation of it – right now I’m working on God Bless Our Pad!
11 years agoHi Betty, please send me the pattern for the mice ornaments. You are right,
they are totally adorable!! Thank you in advance!!
11 years agoWill there be more “God Bless Our Pad” samplers available soon?
Sally Conner
7 years agoJust FYI
there’s a great source for Enid Collins purses in Bandera Texas at the antique mall.