Today was a memorable and lucky day for estate sailing. I can’t even begin to tell you about all the awesomeness I scored. However, the most awesome thing I encountered all day was by far this kitchen backsplash. Are you ready for this?
I will give you some time to pick your jaw up off the floor. Yes, those are Franciscan Starburst tiles set into the backsplash. I about had a stroke. Then the director of the sale told me about the entire set of Franciscan Starburst they had that sold immediately the first day. I am still grieving over that.
The same house also had this mod built in room divider:
Isn’t that great? I love that connected square pattern. And that poodle you can spy in the corner? He would have come home with me had his neck not been broken. Poor little dude.
I went to a different sale where a sweet preschool teacher lived. You could tell by all the early childhood education paraphernalia and holiday themed vests that were there. But then, in the bathroom, I found this under the toilet seat lid and it cracked me right up:
I love it when people fall out of line with their stereotype, don’t you?
I will show you one thing that I purchased today:
For some reason I’m ridiculously in love with this portrait. I found it languishing in the garage of yet another estate sale and immediately had to have it. Am I crazy or is this incredibly awesome? It’s so Mad Men, don’t you think?
What’s the coolest feature you’ve seen in a house at an estate sale?
Kristi @ Veggieconverter
13 years agoWow that backsplash is so awesome. I didn’t know anything about Franciscan until today. I picked up at 5 place setting set of Franciscan Harvest Gold at a thrift shop for $10. I thought it was so pretty! But from what I can tell I guess it’s worth a lot more than what I paid, though I won’t part with it. (9 cups, and 5 each bread and butter plates, saucers, dinner plates, 2 each salad and fruit bowls and 1 creamer). Know anything about the Harvest Gold pattern? Thanks!
Kristi @ Veggieconverter
13 years agoSorry, HACIENDA gold, not Harvest. 🙂
13 years ago AUTHORKristi, I don’t know anything about that pattern – I’ll have to check it out!