Mr. Crafter, the dear, chivalrous man that he is, drove halfway across the country to pick up all the goodies I bought on my recent picking trip and drive them back in a UHaul. Because he loves me. And because he is awesome, he did some pickin’ of his own on the way home, with incredible results! So incredible, in fact, that he needs a whole post dedicated to his finds.
First, the lamps. Sweet baby Jesus, the lamps. I had already found about 10 lamps that I thought were great. But then Mr. Crafter moseyed on back with 11 of the most gorgeous 1950s lamps I’ve ever seen, putting my hard-sought lamps to shame! Here they are in all their glory.
One is not pictured here because it is elsewhere in my house, where it has found a permanent home. Stay tuned on that one. But lets take a closer look at these beauties, shall we?
I think this wood grain lamp with a tulip is really special. It’s so different from all the other 50s lamps you usually see.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this gold and turquoise lamp with starburst shade. I REALLY want to find a good spot in our house for it, but I don’t think it’s meant to be. We just don’t have a spot that would do it justice. And the black and gold lamp is super special too. The shade is pretty spectacular on it’s own. The white lamp on the end reminds me a bit of a Moss lamp. It’s so sculptural and beautiful.
How about this little peach and gold cutie? Isn’t she a doll? And that gold confetti lampshade! *swoon*
A matched set of olive green zig zag lamps. Incredible. I truly think there are very few things as gorgeous in this world as a 1950s lamp, and Mr.Crafter’s finds are all perfect examples of my theory. And as you other vintage lovers can attest, beautiful 50s lamps with shades are so hard to find anymore. This is a real score!
But he found more than just lamps!
He brought back tons of gorgeous mid century pottery and planters.
He also scooped up this amazing shadowbox. It needs some of it’s mirrors replaced, but these are so rare and hard to find that we both think it will be worth it. He found so much more – a 50s working Motorola TV with stand, floor lamp, and even 2 gingerbread men blowmolds for Little Betty!
And now for the Mr. Crafter finds that are just too good to let go of.
These deer salt and pepper shakers make my head explode. They are perfect.
We did pick out a few pieces of pottery for our credenza in our entry way. I’ve been feeling like that area needed a little better decorating, and this does the trick for me. Please excuse the sticky strips on the caning on our credenza. Bad kitty!
And the lamp that is just too perfect for our house to say goodbye to?
Isn’t she lovely? She compliments our bedroom perfectly. I really needed some dark green to echo the green in the drapes, and the chartreuse lampshade looks great against the wall. I adore this lamp. Don’t worry -the turquoise zig zag it replaced is just moving to a different room in the house where it will make much more design sense.
I definitely think Mr. Crafter deserves the fancy meal of his choice cooked by me as a thank you for his good taste and general awesomeness.
rae - say it ain't so
13 years agooh my goodness i can’t even handle those lamps! that is what i am on the lookout for now and i haven’t seen anything half as good here! i think my favorite is the turquoise and gold with that starburst shade! amazing! horray for mr. crafter!
13 years agoOh my gosh, I KNEW someone else had the same or almost the same gold-flecked square mirrors that we have in our living room, I just didn’t remember that it was you! We just painted over the weekend and once we find a Danish modern credenza/buffet go to in front of them (ours are in two panels, arched at the top), I will be super excited. They need some ‘oomph’.
Those are some incredible finds. That tulip lamp is really something special. And the gold/turquoise one, that makes my head explode a little bit at its awesomeness. I love all the fab planters and pottery, too! Such great stuff!
13 years ago AUTHORTasha, I knew you would appreciate that tulip lamp like I do! I wish we had a good spot for it in our house but we just don’t.
And I agree – a credenza in front of the gold flecked mirrors will be perfect! A lot of people with very good taste (including Mr. Crafter) assumed we’d be tearing them out of the house when we moved in. But I never considered it and I love them to bits! Can’t wait to see how yours looks with the credenza when you find one!
13 years agoGreat, Yes that is Awesome. I really Like the Green lamp & Shade, I’m Glad you’re gonna keep it.
13 years ago AUTHORLenny, we ended up keeping the wood grain tulip one too!
13 years agoSo in the last photo , is the ceramic head on the left one of those that is also a planter? My grandmother had several and the plant of course (something small like and Air Plant) would become her “hat”. She even had a few that had dangling pearl earrings if you can believe it!
13 years ago AUTHORYes, CoudreMode, that is the same kind of planter. This one doesn’t have earrings but she does have a brooch w/rhinestones.
13 years agoOh my gosh – your hubs has totally got the eye! What fantastic scores! And I am totally happy about the shadowbox. You MUST do a post about rehabbing it! 🙂
Sara In AZ
13 years agoWOW! Those are some amazing scores on ALL of those vintage lights girl! You are right, your husband DOES deserve a fancy home cooked meal! And that green lamp looks FAB in your bedroom!
Hee-larious….we have that EXACT same shadowbox! If y’all are getting rid of any of the gold flecked mirrors (when you put the mirror replacements on) on it please let me know – I could use them!
13 years ago AUTHORSara, I’ll let you know what we end up doing with the mirrors!
Betty Coleman
12 years agoThese lamps are gorgeous! I’m looking for a floor lamp and found your blog, which I love! Your husband is so nice to do such lovely favors for you. I’m glad to hear you reward him with his favorite foods. I do the same when my man is extra awesome. Your house is soooo cool. I will bookmark you.
Happy Thanksgiving! Betty C.
12 years ago AUTHORThanks Betty! Hope to see you back often and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
12 years ago“I truly think there are very few things as gorgeous in this world as a 1950s lamp.” – Amen. What lovliness in abundance you have! Im totally swooning as I read all your back posts!