I’m proud to unveil a new crewel kit! I give you KitKat – a saucy kitty festooned with bright flowers, sitting in a shower of starbursts. This kit is a small sampler – only 5×7 – and provides a great opportunity to dip your toe in the world of crewel before tackling a big project like my Happiness Is Homemade kit. And it’s only $15! It’s available for pre-order right now in my shop and will be ready to be shipped out in a week or so!
Like Happiness Is Homemade, KitKat has been designed to fit right in with your vintage crewel collection, or would be happy to be the start of a new collection. There are only a few, simple stitches required so you have no excuse not to jump right in! Like Happiness Is Homemade, each kit will include stamped linen fabric, all the wool needed to complete the project, a crewel needle, and complete instructions.
Vickie Howell
12 years agoHooray! So glad the smaller kit thing worked out — it’s great! Might have to make one for Clo’s room.
12 years ago AUTHORThanks for the great idea Vickie! I have a few more small designs like this in the pipeline.
12 years agoAdorbes!
linda h
12 years agoYay! A smaller one, and in the right colors for my crewel wall. As soon as I switch from my reader to my home computer, I am ordering one. Pre-ordering.
12 years ago AUTHORAwesome – thanks Linda!!