Uncategorized Vintage Christmas

Make your very own Kitschmas Wreath!


If you’ve been reading my posts over the last couple weeks, you will know that Betty loves her some kitschy ornament wreaths.  In fact, I have been making them obsessively.  I may need some sort of intervention.  However, let my unhealthy obsession be your gain!  I want to show you how I go about making them in the hopes I can infect you, too, with my fever and we can spread our Kitschmas spirit over the world!  Now, I did not invent this idea.  Many, many people have made ornament wreaths like this all over the place, and they probably do it just like I do.  But in any case, I’ll walk you through making one.

You will need a foam wreath base, tinsel garland, wire for hanging, wire cutters, a high temperature hot glue gun and plenty of glue sticks, glass ball ornaments from small to large, and all the kitschy goodness you can stand.

The first step is to wrap the foam wreath base with tinsel garland.  Use a spot of hot glue on each wrap around to secure it.  I wrap the whole wreath twice over because once looked a little sparse to me.

Now is when I add a wire loop for hanging.  Just twist the ends of a long piece of wire at the bottom and twist a loop into the top.  Then secure the loop at the top with a spot of hot glue so it doesn’t slip around.  Snip off the excess wire at the bottom with your wire cutters.

Next, glue large glass ball ornaments all around the outside of the wreath, and smaller ones around the inside.  You can use large balls on the inside too, but it will make the hole in the wreath a lot smaller.  It just depends on the look you want.  Before gluing, put the ornament up to the wreath to see where it will hit and put glue on that spot on the ornament.  If you don’t have enough room at the end to fit another ornament of the same size, just fill in with something smaller as I’ve done here.  It won’t be that noticeable after the wreath is done.

Here comes the fun part!  Now I place all my fun pieces on the wreath and decide where I want them to go.  After I’ve got that figured out, I glue them down the same way I did the ball ornaments – check to see where it will hit the wreath and put glue on those spots.

After all the kitsch is in place, I fill in with plainer ornaments – small and large glass balls, floral picks, and various small vintage Christmas doodads.  Keep going til the tinsel is covered as best you can.  I don’t mind seeing some of the tinsel peeking through, but I try to cover it pretty well.  Then double and triple check the hold of all your ornaments.  You will probably have to add spots of glue here and there to make sure it’s holding together well.

Now hang your Kitschmas wreath on the wall and admire your creation!

If you make one of these, or rehab a Putz house like in my last post, I’d love to feature them here!  Leave a link in the comments or send me a pic.  I hope you have as much fun making these as I do!




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